Aircel prepaid and postpaid users across India are facing network, connectivity issues as the company prepares to shut down its services. The company has already filed for bankruptcy and those on Aircel network have been asked to port out of it. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has directed Aircel to generate Unique Port Code (UPC) to facilitate mobile number portability (MNP). The UPCs will remain valid till April 15 2018.
Though the most convenient way to generate UPC is to get it through SMS, many users are complaining the message service is not working for them creating a whole lot of problems in porting out. Another way is to visit the nearest customer care center to seamlessly port out of Aircel’s number. Those looking for other alternatives can call up the company’s customer care center to get the UPC generated via IVR. The user will need their Aircel mobile number and SIM number.
Do note that numbers of Aircel customer care centers vary from circle to circle, so it is recommended to check for the right number before calling. Here is how you can generate UPC, when SMS is not working:
How to get Aircel Unique Port Code UPC, when SMS is not workingAircel users can walk into the nearest Aircel customer care centre and ask for the UPC to be generated. Do not forget all important documents in order carry out the process. This will include the Aadhaar card, address proof, and your photos as well. The second option is to call the Aircel customer care number for your area. It is important to note that this call can be made from any mobile network. So even if your Aircel number is not working, you can make the call from another number. This means Airtel, Vodafone, Jio, BSNL, numbers can be used to call the Aircel customer care number in order to generate the Unique Port Code (UPC).
Once the call is connected, users will have follow the instructions on the IVR. The user will first be asked to choose their language preference. Next step is to choose Aircel as your network. Users will also be asked to input their Aircel number and this is supposed to be the Aircel mobile number followed by the last five digits of their Aircel SIM card. After this the UPC code should get generated and it will be valid till April 15, 2018. Users will need to give this UPC code when they port their Aircel number to a different network. So for instance if you are porting your Aircel number to Vodafone, they will require the UPC.
However, in case the UPC is not generated via this method, which is something users are complaining about, they will have to try with the customer care centre itself.
Aircel customer care centre numbers
- Rajasthan: 9782012345
- Bihar and Jharkhand : 9852012345
- Delhi : 9716012345
- Andhra Pradesh : 9700012345
- Assam : 9854012345
- Kolkata : 9804012345
- Tamil Naidu : 9750999209 /9551299210
- Chennai : 98410 12345
- Haryana : 9802012345
- Himachal Pradesh : 9857012345
- Karnataka : 9738012345
- Kerala : 9809012345
- Madhya Pradesh : 9806012345
- Maharashtra : 9762012345
- Mumbai : 9768012345
- Orrisa : 9856012345
- Punjab : 9803012345
- Uttar Pradesh : 9808012345
- West Bengal : 9851012345