Hi friends, we are back with new vodafone free 3g trick.
We know that proxy or udp port tricks are now popular. Today we are presenting a new 3g proxy trick for all vodafone users. use unlimited 3g data on your pc or android mobile with this vodafone 3g internet trick. not much describing here we are just providing the proxy address and other some details. Just follow the steps and enjoy free 3g internet on vodafone December 2015.
1. First Maintain your main balance Rs 50 - 52
2. Now goto this proxy adress [ copy paste this address into your browser]
3. Now activate any video pack from there
4. Complete subscription.
5. Then go to phone settings>>Mobile Networks>>Access points name>> ADD new
And enter below settings
NAME: Vodafone free 3g trick by techintor.com
APN: www (or) vlive
PORT: 80
7. Then install Opera handler on your device
Child lock - www.nextwap.net
[ First time installation requires 2-3 MB]
8. Open opera handler. And use this frontquery in opera mini handler
9. Now save the settings and connect to internet
Enjoy unlimited free 3g internet on your vodafone sim with vodafone free 3g proxy handler trick December 2015.
You can enjoy unlimited downloading and browsing on your android device with this vodafone free 3g proxy handler trick December 2015