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Airtel New Open Port Finded Today [After Block 49200 serias]

Hi Guys today i am posting after block 49200 series finding & researching a new open port for airtel 3g supported.
This trick is udp port based and working only pd porxy software, u can try other same like software's.


I am Trying Kerala Airtel Sim Only Working,
Other States Airtel Sim Users Try This Same Steps, If your are Lucky That Working :)

STEPS: First activate trail packs on airtel sim whatsapp,twitter,facebook
5 mb limit free trail packs.

Then Connect Apn:

Then Open Speed up : PD-Proxy Software
Set Upd Port: 9201,

Set Bind Local Port: same port; 9201

Set demo server 2 - UDP Then Connect 

After Connected u can