Airtel mass downloading Open Vpn-Zpn!
Tested in bihar , WB , Gujarat , Assam sim
1) First register an account on
2) After acc creation and verifctn, login to ur acc. Download the zpn config from there.
3) Now u should have OpenVpn connect installed on your phone.
Import the zpn config by browsing to the downloaded location.
4) Now time for editing it. Open the imported config.
5) In server list select udp.
6) In ip and dns tab, untick no local binding.
7) Now in advanced tab, go to custom setting. Clear everything der and add "lport 49200" Without the quotes. Rport can also b added but not necessary.
8) U r done. Just connect, on asked for username and pass enter the zpn login details.
9) Enjoy.